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Hi Marily, thanks for sharing this, it helps a lot to clarify our minds on how to approach the cycle.

Just a small comment, and I know that it's just about the naming, but for me at least makes a bit of noise that the ideation comes before the opportunity, as it can be misleading if someone reads it fast without going into the details, specially for those who like to jump into a solution without a clear understanding on the problem.

Considering what you are referring to in the description of each step, maybe would be good to consider the 1st step as the Opportunity (incl. the Idea), and 2nd step name it Assessment or something like that? Maybe that's not the right one neither, but I personally think a change of titles in that line will support everyone in the evangelization of good product practices, specially when speaking with people who don't know about product.

I would be happy to hear your thoughts about it, thanks!

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